

So, I had an interview with a company today, and I think it went preeeeeetty well. Not great, but pretty well. I seriously don't think I am the best interviewee sometimes. I made sure to dress very professionally and act excited to have the opportunity, but I find interviewers so hard to read. Especially this guy I talked to today. He seemed nice enough, sure, young-ish, jew-ish (not that there is anything wrong with that) but he seemed to have little to no interest in me as a person, only as a potential employee. Which, I'm sure is really the point of the interview, but it seems like he would want to know me as a person as much as he would as a qualified and experienced person. I think that maybe I might get the job, but then, I also think I might not. Either way, interviewing in general is good experience. Also, I have two more interviews tomorrow, one of which is with a really classy and hip restaurant. I think I have an advantage at that one, just because I speak "restaurant" very well, and I have shitloads of experience. They also sounded pretty interested in me, so I think that will play a nice role as well. Don't worry folks, as I always say, when it rains it pours, and lately things have been looking up. So... wish me luck.

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