Dear Neighbors,
This letter should come as no surprise to you, as we have discussed on several occasions the fact that you have disturbed those residing in our house with your late night antics, exuberant ravings at inconvenient times, and consistently annoying habits at ungodly times of the day. I, too, was once a college student and very much in love with the idea of nonstop soirees and cavorting until the break of dawn without fear of responsibility or repercussion. However, this time in my life is over, and I wish to not be a part of it whatsoever-- especially when I desire nothing more than simple, gentle slumber. Last night, I was rudely
awakened ripped from my slumber at the sounds of violent screaming and drunken shouting from voices both male and female. This happened not once, but several times, including once early this morning when the sun had begun to rise. I must commend myself, as I issued a great deal of restraint from rising to address the situation, but I didn't think it would be worth the trouble. However, as I noted before, this is not the first time this sort of thing has happened. And even after multiple discussions, you have refused to respect the wishes of myself and my housemates. Mind you, the absence of one such housemate last evening is assuredly the reason your life continues today, trust me! I digress... So now that you have refused to be compliant with our wishes on multiple attempts of our generosity and amiability to your disrespectful selves and cohorts, we too, shall stop being satisfied with the treatment we are receiving in turn. If I am so much as slightly disturbed in my slumber at any point-- whether it be at noon or midnight-- I will not hesitate to call the police, landlord, and or other authority it might take to convince you to cease the mindless drunken disregard you have forced us to be subject to. I will give no other warning, no other mention of this, I will just go to a higher authority to take care of the problem. If this attempt is ineffective, we will resort to less humane and mature solutions. And I should further warn you, we are more vindictive and creative in our revenge than you could ever be in your blatant disregard for us as human beings. If you want a war, fair neighbors, then cross the line. If you wish to keep peace between our houses, consider this your final warning.
The Canary Castle
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