I did, however, watch a few shows on [adult swim] last night, including Metalocalypse, which is actually quite good though it took a few episodes to grow on me. I also watched Frisky Dingo, which I didn't quite get at first, but did a little research on and I think its really quite good, also. It's done by the folks who brought us Sealab 2021, which I absolutely adore for its inanity and unadulterated stupidity. Venture Bros. was also entertaining, and I would like to see more of the early episodes. I'm still not sold on Moral Orel though, as i find it less obscure and kind of preachy. I am also still not a fan of Robot Chicken, as I think its really just a way for Seth Green to spend his money and his friends' time. I guess it pays to sell pot in Hollywood.
In other news, I am not feeling well at all, and my body feels like I have been run over. I think I am running a fever, and I am hoping I have the energy to give my new Harold team a great first rehearsal tomorrow evening. I am excited about directing and playing Harold again. I am also thinking about putting some of this improv stuff down on paper and dialog with myself, as I am finding that its a lot easier to do than to think about. Adult Swim probably isn't going anywhere for a while, but people are going to get tired of the same old Family Guy episodes, right?
this is not a continuation of your NYC story you jerk.
Sorry to hear about the dry digit. That's never fun.
Pay no attention to Corey Brown. He's just an asshole New Yorker.
the n??? really? i can watch degrassi and daria and sabrina the teenage witch?!?
and it's not a made for tv movie. it's a show called summerland.
i am a loser.
I LOVE No Reservations. I caught it once by accident and was totally engrossed. Too bad I don't have cable to speak of :(
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