
Oh, Hi 30

Tomorrow is my 30th birthday. This week has been nothing but hell for me so far, as I've been laid out in bed with stomach pains most likely brought on by my diverticulosis/itis. The interesting thing, though, is that my doctor says that I might have been misdiagnosed. She seems to think that what I have is more akin to colitis or Crohn's. All I know is that my stomach hurts 90% of the time, and sometimes things get too painful for me to even think. It could be a number of things, but I do know that I have not always been very good to my body. This means I've got to start being better to myself if I want to feel better about myself.

A few years ago, in 2006, I made a list of things to do before I turn 30. Here's that list and how I've done:

1) Write or be writing a book. - I wrote a crappy first draft of a novel about dragons and shit. It is terrible, but it served as an indication that I can write a full book's worth of stuff. 175 pages of something isn't too shabby.
2) Have at least one screenplay floating around out there. - Not even close. This isn't a huge priority, but is something I'd like to do in my lifetime.
3) Live by myself or with a significant other. (I love my current roommates, but I don't want any by the time I'm 30, no matter how cool they are.) - I lived with a significant other for a year, and then lived by myself for a year after that. The year I spent alone was one of the worst times in my life. Friends are important to me, and it is nice to have roommates. I could live with a sig other again, no problem. I rather enjoyed that, honestly.
4) Be making at least 35-50K a year. - Done. Now if I can learn to save some of that scratch I be making.
5) Live in one place for over a year. - What I think I meant by this is one house, but that hasn't really happened. I'm ok with that, though. I''ve never been the type to remain in a house for too long. Not a big deal.
6) Have traveled to Europe/ Asia/ Azerbijan. - No. But I did go to St. Maarten, Mexico, and soon, Hawaii.
7) Either have/ be working towards/ have decided not to pursue Master's Degree. - I have decided that this is not essential to my life or career.
8) Own a car. Maybe even a NEW car. - Done. I own a brand new car, and it often feels like an albatross around my neck. I would rather not own anything that weighs as heavy as a car.
9) Have been in some sort of commercial/ tv show/ film - I was in Americatown, which is good enough for me. Films and such are fun, but when I wrote this, my goal was to make money from doing it. I've since learned that doing things for money and doing things for love are much different.
10) Continue teaching and performing improv full-time, maybe even get paid to do it. - Improv has taken a big back seat for me. I'm ok with this. I know I am good at it, but it doesn't mean that I have to do it nonstop. There was a time when it stopped being fun, and I don't want that to happen again.

So now what?

Now, I have some new goals. There are a few things I'd like to do before I turn 35, but they are a bit more espteric, I think. Here they are, in no particular order:

1. Eat better.
2. Exercise more.
3. Work hard.
4. Be kind.
5. Do what you love.

I feel these are ongoing goals that I should keep in mind no matter what I do, and the rest will fall into place. I'm looking forward to this next chapter. I really am.


Nick Faber said...

30 rules man. You're gonna be A-OK. Happy Birthday, brotha from anotha motha.

Unknown said...

I like your new goals. It's funny how you didn't write it down at 26, but by 30 you also achieved "earn the perspective it takes to get the important things done, and shut out the rest."

Unknown said...

Thanks, gentlemen. You mean the world to me.