For those of you not in my immediate vicinity of Carrboro and surrounding areas, you might be wondering where Ihave been the past few days and what has been going on with me. Well, I'll be glad to tell you. Keep in mind that this is the abridged version of my story, and I plan to write a more in depth version at some point but for now, this is what you're going to get.
Saturday night I had a bit of a stomach ache, but I dismissed it as gas as I have been having recently and I fought through it. By midnight, I was doubled over in pain. I took some pepto and gas-x and hit the sack, hoping to feel better the next day. Unfortunately, better is far from what I felt. I skipped rehearsal because of the pain and my sweet girlfriend came by to bring me soup and crackers. When I couldn't even finish the soup, I knew it was time to do something. Callie took me to the clinic, but they couldn't do anything for me because of the severity of my pain--so they sent me to the Duke ER. By the time I got there, I think Imay have been in more pain than I have ever been in. It felt as though I had been kicked in the balls several times and kneed in the stomach to boot. I explained my problems to the nurse and docs, and no one quite knew what seemed to be going on. Needless to say, I had lots of uncomfortable tests run on me, the details of which I will spare you. After a CT scan and a few more hours of waiting in anguish, the doctors finally decided to admit me to the hospital. What had been decided was that I had developed something called Diverticulitis. Basically I have bubbles on my intestines that have become inflamed and infected. Strangely, this sort of thing doesn't happen to people my age. So, because of my heredity, lucky me. What followed were 3 of the most grueling, awful, painful days of my entire life. I was prodded, poked, pressed, and pumped full of fluid. I had no rest or knowledge of how to get better. I was finally allowed to come home yesterday, but on strict restrictions. I have not eaten anything for the past 4 days, and I won't be eating anything for the next 5. I had been hoping to lose a little weight, but this is not quite what I had imagined. So, I am ecstatic to be home, but I am still going to be medicsated and in a lot of pain for quite some time. Hopefully, after I improve my diet and get in great shape, this is something I won't have happen again. It has definitely been an eye opening experience for me and will force me to make some positive lifestyle changes. I urge you to do the same, readers, and eat healthy whole foods as to not ruin your fragile intestines.
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