

I'm sorry if I have worried anyone. I have been having kind of a difficult time getting my shit together lately, and i'm looking for ways to turn my life around.

I'm working on it.


I'm working on it.


Remi said...

If there's anything I can do to help, just give a yell (or e-mail).

Ted Hobgood said...

Second Remi. Although I'd probably do better with an email than a yell. I only wants my wimmens to be yellin'.

shoetrumpet said...

i'm here for you too.

i've been through it all. just ask scott. =)

seriously, if a late night aim chat is in order, just say the word.

Unknown said...

Thanks, friends. You are awesome.

Katie Haverly said...

Hey are you ok? Im not sure what is wrong but I am here for you too!

Corey Brown said...

fuck you.