I've discovered lately that I am having a hard time focusing at work. Now, maybe its that I am somehow daunted by my lack of experience in my field, or maybe its that I'm literally bored to tears. I realize that with ennui comes distraction, but it becomes seriously difficult for me to concentrate on one thing at a time. So, how do I remedy this? I had thought about perhaps going back on some medication, but that seems like such a waste. I've thought about Wellbutrin, as it not only serves as a mood enhancer, but something to keep you focused as well. I need to do more research on the stuff, as any drug with multiple purposes must have some unwelcome side effects.
In all honesty, I need to just crack down and stop wasting time. It's really as simple as that. I just hope that I am not overworking myself right now. I do stuff everyday. I love that. I love having purpose. It keeps me from being lazy. There would be days and days in a row while I was in Chicago where I would not even change clothes from the night before. It seemed that time passed so slowly back then. I say back then, but it was really just a few months ago (January and part of February). I realize that I've been back in NC for over 2 full months now, and it feels like I just got here. Luckily, the good thing about getting thrown in the pool is that I love swimming (thats a metaphor, but I do enjoy swimming. I digress). So I have not yet felt overwhelmed with everything I am occupying my time with. Work is going ok, but I honestly don't see myself doing this for over a year. I just don't have the patience for this sort of thing. It feels good to get the experience, but my brain is too lateral for something that takes up so many days without reprieve.
I have chosen to start writing again, however, which I am totally happy about. I figure if I can write a page or two a day, then I should have a draft of a novel done within the year. After that, I'll edit the heck out of it, and probably burn it. I hope not, though.
I am supposed to go running with Dave Siegel tonight. I look forward to it. I am already starting to eat better, and getting healthy is a priority for me right now. I guess I want to continue to set goals for myself, and at the rate I am going, I should be in shape in the next few months. Give me a year and you won't recognize me. I'm thinking of taking a Karate or Capoeria class, though I really wish someone offered Kung Fu around here.
Sorry about this long post, but I didn't really have anything I wanted to do more right now than get this stuff off my chest. I suppose thats why people do this in the first place, right?
I feel you, dude.
I think you and I have a lot in common as far as feeling like we have purpose-driven lives.
I think the fact is that it's tough to be in your twenties - especially as a creative person who isn't participating their chosen form of expression as a full-time job.
Also, I took Wellbutrin for a year. I'd be happy to discuss my experiences with you in real life.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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