I felt like vomiting earlier because of my hypersensitivity. Through a variety of stimuli, I became wrought with the inability to take everything in. Well, I was able to take everything in, but any given sense seemed to be very sensitive for some reason. I walked into the bathroom to rinse my face and was positively overcome with the smell of shit and cheap potpourri air-freshener. The smells were distinct and seemed separate in the air. I walked outside to get some air, and it was so hot and humid I could feel the heat on each of my skin cells. My teeth have been hurting when I eat, not because they are rotting, but because of the actual feeling of food being destroyed under them. The music on my headphones has either been too loud or too soft, and I don't even have the desire to listen to Wilco or The Decemberists. My bones are achy and my eyes, jesus, my poor eyes. I walked from the bus to the office with them closed this morning. And I have not been able to wake up lately, either. I get enough sleep for someone my age, and I have been making serious efforts to improve my lifestyle as of late, so if anything, I am healthier. So whats the problem? Why are my senses keeping me from concentrating? Ack.
Meanwhile: Has anyone read anything by Carlton Mellick III? Please let me know. It seems like just the crap that I love, but who knows?
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