I've decided to begin making the necessary steps to continue my education. Yes, friends, I want to go back to school. Even though I am on what I consider the path to a good career, I also think that I could be doing more with my time. You get this one opportunity to do things and thats that. I think I might be in the midst of what may be known as a "third-life crisis." Meaning I am in my late(-ish) 20's and about a third of the way through my life expectancy. I miss aspects of my youth that I no longer have, but at the same time there feels to be a great deal missing. Supposing I screwed up my first go round in college, I have the motivation lately to do it right the next time. My problem is this: how and what do I do?
Here are a few of my options:
1)going back to an undergrad program and getting a separate degree, probably in education.
2)going to grad school for writing, and hopefully producing a manuscript.
3)doing some kind of lateral entry type thing, where I can study and work at the same time.
Any which way, I hope to be teaching and writing at some point. (Hopefully doing both!)So, this starts today, and I hope to not relent until I have figured something out. (I may go to the library today???)
I highly recommend graduate school. Just having the time, resources, and ability to really hone a certain skill or broaden your knowledge about something specific can be really gratifying. And having a Masters degree, no matter what you decide to do it in, can help you earn more in whatever you decide to do, and open doors for you that may have previously been closed. Good luck! And remember, education is never never wasted...
p.s. i have a close friend who graduated from NC state's MFA in creative writing program and absolutely loved it.
Dear Jeremy,
I'm telling you and no one else that right now I'm working towards going to law school in Fall '07. If going back to school makes sense to you, then don't hesitate.
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