
whiz bang update / 2008 intro

  • Florida was fun - Spiderman ride and Blue Man Group and everything overpriced

  • watched Fast Food Nation-- see it if you are trying to eat healthier like I am (also watched recently: Juno- B, Sweeney Todd- B, National Treasure 2- F )

  • sick today-- you would think I could have staved off germs amid all those jerks in Orlando, but no

  • the scooter is still out of commission :(

  • kind of in love with the idea of puppetry right now

  • got a new digital camera for Xmas from Santa (yay!)

  • going to NYC in just over a week

  • DSIF8 is just 6 weeks away

My 28 goals for 2008, in no particular order:

  1. update blog template

  2. get in shape

  3. write more / create more with less of a focus on improv

  4. audition for something

  5. update acting resume', finalize headshot, compile reel

  6. put together voice reel

  7. build and launch a kickass website

  8. get a business card made

  9. purchase a swank new phone or handheld organizer type thing

  10. stay in touch with old friends more directly (less time on Facebook / MySpace more phone calls / letters / visits)

  11. take more pictures

  12. go somewhere completely new

  13. take a voice class

  14. take a cooking class

  15. spend less time on the internet and the tv, and more time reading, writing and drawing

  16. listen to more new music

  17. blog more often

  18. do something really exhilirating and exciting (skydiving or something crazy)

  19. submit writing for publication

  20. save money

  21. be less bitter, snarky, and complainy

  22. meet more new people

  23. eat out less

  24. develop a "good" habit

  25. be more patient

  26. clean up more often

  27. finish what I start

  28. decide what the fuck to do with my life

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