
For Whom the (School) Bell Tolls

Today is when all the kids go back to school. This means a few things:

First, work is hectic this week and I have lots to do. Yay?
Second, there is a major influx of people around the area. Good for the theater, good for exposure and the future.
Third, I want to go back to school, too. I am totally jealous.

Today I was walking into a building on campus to cover at the help desk for MBam when I heard,
"Excuse me, sir?"

Buhhhhhh. She was talking to me. I turned around and saw a blonde piglet freshman with a bookbag and bangs. She wanted to know the best way to get to some building on campus. I say I don't know and I go inside.

She called me "SIR" which normally is no big deal when I am on the phone or waiting tables or something like that, but today I think the fact that I was in my work shirt (a C-blue polo) and dark pants and was carrying a bag somehow classified me as a "SIR." After a while, I thought well, what else would she have called me? Dude? It just felt weird, I suppose, realizing how old I have gotten. Sigh.

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