
Day 1

Spider Jerusalem: My kind of hero
1.) Read for 30 minutes: Transmetropolitan-- So far, I am enjoying the comic adventures of this neo-future Hunter S. Thompson. I like the character for the most part, though I feel the story is somewhat juvenile so far. The art is great and I like that I often don't expect a lot of the dialogue. Worth continuing, certainly, if not for any other reason than to add it to my comic geek repertoire.

2.) Write for 30 minutes: 406 words... eh, ok I guess.

3.) Do 30 crunches: Done. (These are the 3 step crunches, btw. Cross elbow to opposite knee on each side, then touch both elbows to both knees.)

4.) Do 30 push-ups: Nose to floor, every one. Done.

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