
Restart Now or Restart Later?

When you consider yourself a writer, you might make the assumption that writing is certainly a part of that. I apologize, dear friends, for my lack of updates lately. The truth is that I have been sawmped by doing quite a bit of improv and work lately, and I'm afriad that my desire to write has been suffering. So, in my hopes to alleviate this, I am going to push myself to at least blog daily in order to gain the momentum I need to at least get some things written for samples to send when I want to start selling myself and what I do. I'm also taking it upon myself to research a subject and write something about it once a week. Right now is going to be all about producing substance and to just be as prolific as possible. The rest will come later. If I am going to be a writer, then I had better get to writing.

That being said...

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