
he hits snooze twice before he dies

from the piano Helen's eyes are the only things visible in the hallway this room needs dusting this room is falling apart Helen is rapt in a faded yellow dress she can't breathe doesn't even try blue skin and black black eyes eyes that fall out of sockets screaming "this is serious, there is no cure" its a disease there is no cure no breathing only kicking wake up wake up this isn't real you have to breathe or you be that dark and no one will see your eyes from the hall.

Wake up sweating. Breathe.

this is not burning this is drowning an asp a copperhead a rattlesnake a sidewinder but where is the scorpion? it is in the tank with the pirannha rescue the scorpion rescue it and the dog will help you breathe this house was my own we used to throw the bird down over the balcony his wings were clipped but he would still fly I could draw it for you the house was beautiful the scorpion is ridged and thorns distract the viper chase the dog move move move the thing is loose on the ground why can't I find it? then again the eyes the eyes in this house too it was sacred a lizard got loose maybe I swallowed it the kitten was trapped underneath the basket was shuffling it around when I came downstairs

What is that thing?

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