
*Sniffle* Crack Pop

I feel like hell, but I've taken enough meds today to kill a horse. Hopefully that horse is the illness brooding inside me. This weekend was a lot of fun. I had a date with a very nice girl, and went to see Heather's band, Mount Moriah, open at the Midtown Dickens show. The place was packed, and I had a bit of anxiety and therefore had to stand outside in the rain for part of it so I wouldn't freak out. It is very strange dealing with this new feeling within large crowds. I never felt that way growing up, and honestly enjoy being around a lot of people. There is just something very uncomfortable when I am wedged in with so many folks. Nonetheless, the show was fun, and Ryan and I noticed how friendly everyone was. It was very atypical of hipsters, but I think the overall mood of the place was very positive. People were just there to have a good time, and not to show off for one another.

Tonight I went to Best Buy to get CF a webcam so we can chat online while she is far away in corn country, and while I was in Best Buy at Southpoint, I looked for Patton's new DVD/CD, My Weakness is Strong. They didn't have it, nor did they carry it. I have to say that that particular Best Buy is a shit show, and doesn't have many redeeming qualities. Boo for you, BB. Boo.

Speaking of establishments that fail to deliver, RS and I ate at Durham's new Cuban Revolution last night and Scott, you were right. Not only was the food just "meh," the service was horrid. Now, I have been a waiter aplenty, so I know if you only have one table, you definitely have time to wait on them. The dude didn't even bring out our appetizer himself. Pathetic. I am going to scour them on Yelp. (Which is too bad because I WANTED it to be good, but I won't be back.)

Lastly, today's weather made me really happy. I don't know if it was a combination of the rain and coolness outside and being in B&N, but I certainly felt the nudges of autumn smiling at me. I can't wait for October to get here. Anyway, the weather in tandem with being in B&N certainly respawned feelings in me that I haven't felt since last year in November for NaNoWriMo. I'm really looking forward to it again. This year, I want to write the book I want to write, and not just "experiemnt" like I did last year. It is still a little ways off, but nonetheless, it is exciting to think about.

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